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  • 初中英语语法练习及答案大全2000题------阅读理解(13)

    • 发布人:clcfone
    • 阅读量:10

  • 【精品推荐】







    Animals are our friends. We can find different kinds of animals on Earth. Some animals are living in big forests. And some animals are living with man.
    Animals are very important to man. For example, people can train the elephants to do some heavy work. And they can also train the dogs to look after the house. A police dog is clever. It can help people in danger. And it can also help the policeman to catch the thieves or murderers. The children like dogs very much.
    Everyone knows sheep and pigs very well. Man eats their meat al most every day. People can make coasts and shoes with their skins. From cows, we can get milk. It’s good for our health. And horses can take us to other places. In some places, horses and camels are instead of car and buses. It’s clear that man can’t live comfortably without these animals.

    1.What does “train” mean in the passage?

    2._______can be used to look after the house.
    A. Only sheep and pigs   
    B. Horses and cows  
    C. Dogs   
    D. All the above 

    3.We can get milk from______.
    A. dogs   
    B. pigs     
    C. hens 
    D. cows 

    4.Life will be difficult without________.
    A. animals       
    B. sheep and pigs
    C. the animals which live in the forest     
    D. the animals which live with man 

    5.If you want to go to other places, you can take_______.
    A. horses or camels  
    B. buses    
    C. cars 
    D. all the above 

    1.B 词义猜测题。根据文意和这个单词所在的句子“train the elephants to do some heavy work”和 “train the dogs to look after the house”可知,大象可以干重活,狗可以看门,但动物本不会做,是人类锻炼这些动物,使他们能够帮助人类,因此推测train的意思为“锻炼”,选B。
    2.A 细节信息题。根据文章第二段中“they can also train the dogs to look after the house.”可知狗可以看门。故选A。
    3.D 细节信息题。从第三段“From cows, we can get milk.”这句话我们可知,从奶牛身上可以得到牛奶,故选D。
    4.D 推理判断题。最后一句话说“man can’t live comfortably without these animals.”其中these animals指的是上文提到的狗、牛及羊等动物,而这些动物都是人类日常生活中能够见到或喂养的,C. the animals which live in the forest指生存在森林的动物;D. the animals which live with man指与人类一起生活的动物,故选D。 
    5.D 细节信息题。文中说“And horses can take us to other places. In some places, horses and camels are instead of car and buses.”意思是:马可以带我们到其他地方。在某些地方,马和骆驼代替了小汽车和公共汽车。从这句话可知,如果想要去其他地方,可以乘坐A马或骆驼、B公共汽车、C小汽车,故选D all the above以上都是。

  • 2022-02-20
