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  • 初中英语语法练习及答案大全2000题------阅读理解(14)

    • 发布人:clcfone
    • 阅读量:8

  • 【精品推荐】







    You are busy with your job but want to make new friends? You miss your old friends and try to find them? Then try a new website --- Facebook. 
    Mark Zuckerberg,a Harvard student,created Facebook only about eight years ago. At first,it was only for Harvard students. Soon it became popular on the Internet. Now over 25 million people around the world  use it to keep in touch with their friends. People like Facebook because it makes them feel comfortable. On Facebook,they share joys or sorrows (悲伤) by posting pictures and videos. What's more,they leave messages and give online presents to their friends. Now Facebook,like eBay,is a place to sell things. 
    The best part about Facebook is to help find old friends. For people,the only thing to do is to sign their real names. Then it takes a short time to sign their old friends. So have fun with Facebook if you love to be with friends,old or new.

    1. Facebook was created_________. 
    A. twenty years ago                         
    B. thirty years ago 
    C. by Mark Zuckerberg and his classmates     
    D. by a Harvard student named Mark Zuckerberg 

    2.According to the passage,what can you do on Facebook? 
    ①You can give online presents to your friends.
    ②You can play online games with friends.
    ③You can share joys or sorrows with friends. 
    ④You can leave messages.
    ⑤You can sell things.
    A.①②④⑤       B.①③④⑤         C.②③④⑤       D.①②③④ 

    3.According to the passage,eBay is a website 
    A. for shopping           
    B. for making friends 
    C. for taking pictures       
    D. for listening to music 

    4.Which of the following is TRUE? 
    A. It takes you a  long time to find old friends on Facebook. 
    B. Now Facebook is a website only for students. 
    C. The best part about Facebook is to make new friends. 
    D. You have to sign your real name if you want to find your old friends on Facebook.

    5. Wha t is the best title for the passage? 
    A. Something about Facebook. 
    B. Facebook and eBay. 
    C. How to make new friends. 
    D. Have fun chatting online with your friends.

    1.D 细节信息题。从第二段开头“Mark Zuckerberg,a Harvard student,created Facebook only about eight years ago.”可知脸谱网是由一个名叫马克•扎克伯格的哈弗学生在8年前创建的。并不是A选项说的20年前,也不是B选项说的30年前,这句话也没有提到D选项中马克•扎克伯格与他的同学共同创建了脸谱网,故选D。
    2.B 细节信息题。从第二段和第三段中可以知道,在脸盆网上,我们可以做的事情有“they share joys or sorrows;leave messages and give online presents to their friends;Now Facebook,like eBay,is a place to sell things”,故选B。
    3.A 细节信息题。根据第二段最后一句“Now Facebook,like eBay,is a place to sell things.”可知,eBay是一个购物网站,A. for shopping购物;B. for making friends结交朋友;C. for taking pictures拍照;D. for listening to music听音乐,故选A。
    4.D 推理判断题。从第三段“takes a short time to sign their old friends”可知在脸谱网上很快能够找到老朋友,A选项中“takes you a long time”描述错误;B选项说脸谱网只为“student”开放,而文中“At first,it was only for Harvard students. Now over 25 million people around the world use it.”意思是在一开始,只为学生开放,但现在世界各的人都在用,故B是错的;文章第三段开头是“help find old friends”,而C选项用了“new friends”,所以C错;根据文章可知,脸谱网可以找到老朋友,人们需要做的事情是“sign their real names”,故D的说法是正确的,选D。
    5.A 主旨大意题。这篇短文主要给我们介绍了脸谱网的创建及功能作用,eBay只是其中的一个方面,因此不能选B,而C和D选项不能得知本文介绍的是脸谱网,故选择A最佳。

  • 2022-02-21
