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  • 初中英语练习册全套试题及解答推荐答案---阅读理解(19)

    • 发布人:clcfone
    • 阅读量:17

  • 【精品推荐】







    I think the Buddy Club is great. I really enjoy talking with the older students about school life and growing up. They can tell me a lot. One student told me how he relaxed (放松) before exams. Another student told me about great websites about learning History and English.
    The Buddy Club is also a good place to just forget  about school altogether! One of the older students taught us origami (日本折纸). We made paper planes, birds and hats together.
    The table tennis tournament(锦标赛) was a great idea. I didn’t do very well, but I learnt a lot from watching the doubles tournament won by a fourteen-year-old girl and a seventeen-year-old boy.
    Last year, we had the annual (每年的) Buddy Club Picnic. Everyone  enjoyed the games we played. After  I learnt how to fish, I caught two fish in the lake. I think it might be a good idea to change the Buddy Club Picnic to a weekend camping trip. We could learn how to put up tents and how to find our way through a forest. Many of the older students know how to do this already, and I think they would like to teach the younger students.
    I want to say again how much I enjoy the club. When I’m older, I will make friends with younger students. Then, I can tell them all about school life and growing up.

    1.What does the writer enjoy doing at the club?
    A. Learning Japanese.  
    B. Talking to older students.
    C. Losing at table tennis.                    
    D. Surfing the Internet.

    2.What websites did the writer learn about?
    A. Paper planes.           
    B. Origami.      
    C. History and English.  
    D. Relaxing.

    3.How does t he writer want to change the picnic?
    A. He wants more fish to be caught.         
    B. He wants to make it shorter.
    C. he wants to have it in a tent.               
    D. He wants to change it to a camping trip.

    4.What does the writer want to learn?
    A. How to put up a tent and make a fire.
    B. How to put up a tent and find his way through a forest.
    C. How to make clean water and find his way through a forest.
    D. How to find his way through a forest and climb a mountain.

    试题分析:本文讲诉了作者在Buddy Club中所做的事情。在这个俱乐部,能够和高年级的学生交谈,学习如何在考前放松,如何在网上学习历史及英语。俱乐部还举行锦标赛及野餐。能学到很多实用的知识。
    1.B细节理解题。句意:作者喜欢在俱乐部做什么?根据文中I really enjoy talking with the older students about school life and growing up. 可知答案选B。
    2.C细节理解题。句意:作者能在网页上学什么?根据上文  Another student told me about great websites about learning History and English.,可知答案选C。
    3.D细节理解题。作者希望野餐做怎样的改变?根据第四段中I think it might be a good idea to change the  Club Picnic to a Buddy weekend camping trip.可知答案选D。
    4.B细节理解题。句意:作者想学到什么?根据最后一段中We could learn how to put up (架起) tents (帐篷) and how to find our way through a forest. 可知答案选B。

  • 2021-09-05
